Cascading Slicers

Cascading filters are easily configured from Discover, and comprise multiple filters from different hierarchies within the same dimension. This functionality creates a "waterfall" effect, from one slicer to the next

You can create complex cascading slicers, containing multiple levels, very easily from the Discover module, without having to manually build any complex business logic. However, cascading slicers can also be configured and built via the Formulate module - allowing for greater control over the flow and logic.

How to build a Cascading Slicer

In the example below, the cascading filter is comprised of the Country hierarchy at the first level, and the State hierarchy at the second level. The first level drives the second level, which in turn drives the filtering of the visualization In this scenario, this means that when a country is selected from the first filter, the second filter dynamically changes to display only the states within the chosen country. Once the state is selected, the visual is filtered accordingly.

  • Add the hierarchy that will be the lowest level of the cascading slider to the drop zone - for instance, as a Filter (green highlight below)
    • If the slicer will contain two filters, the second filter level must be added to the Filter zone
  • In the Dimensions panel, find the hierarchy that will be used as the next level of the slicer, and right click on it
  • Under 'Cascade To,' select the hierarchy that you added to the Filter zone
  • Each level of the cascading filter will be added as a filter (red highlight) - these filters can be repositioned as required. Each filter is driven by the filter above it, with the top level filter driving all filters.

  • You can also 'Cascade To' a hierarchy that is in the Rows, Columns, or even Color drop zone, rather than Filters - this way, the hierarchy comprising lowest level of the cascading slicer will be displayed within the query, rather than in slicer (red highlight below)
  • The hierarchies comprising the upper level filters will be displayed as slicers (green highlight)

  • Each level of the cascading slicer will appear underneath the Elements panel (red highlight below)
  • The lowest level will appear as a list, and the upper levels will appear as parameters - when you create cascading slicers with more than 2 levels, you will 'Cascade To' the parameter containing the previous level of the slicer (designated by an @ icon)
  • Right click on any of them to open the logic in Formulate, make it shareable in the CMS, delete it, or use it to create a quick calculation